Jilly Doll
For too long, Asian American females have been told who we're supposed to be. Demure. Shy. Dainty. Delicate. Proper. Good at Math. Bad at Sports. We are more than that, some of that and none of that.
Let's change that narrative.
Jilly is more than just a doll.
She represents who we want to teach our Asian American children to be. They are strong. They are confident. They are bold. They are not stereotypes. They can be anything they want to be!

Differences Make Us Unique. Every Child has Gifts to Share.
Jilly loves to eat and bake Asian treats! She wants to share her food with friends, but sometimes, they don't want to try because it looks and smells different.Â

Proud of Who We Are
“Just one bite," Jilly boldly encourages her friends to try Asian foods. She is not ashamed of her heritage and culture.Â

Empowering Our Children
Jilly's got personality.
She's feisty, energetic, adventurous and fun-loving. She’s a sportswoman. She’s fearless.
She is not a stereotype.